Anti-Ableist Academic: Removing Ableism in Teaching to Support Disabled Students

Breakout Option 1
Day 1: November 14, 2023 | 2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m., Northwoods

Session Video

Session Description

Academic ableism persists at UW-Madison and college campuses across the United States, directly impacting individuals with disabilities. From the location of buildings, to expectations in disability disclosure or required assignments, our expectations for disabled students come from ableist ideals. Change is needed if we want to ensure we are including students most appropriately, and in an anti-ableist way. Recommendations will be provided to educators on how to appropriately handle disability disclosure, personal biases, determining reasonable accommodations, and creating universally designed educational materials.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Review key aspects of academic ableism present in higher education and UW-Madison Identify the impact academic ableism has on individuals with disabilities on campus.
  • Gain understanding in important concepts, such as disability disclosure, reasonable accommodation, and universal design.
  • Recognize appropriate anti-ableist academic practices that will support students with disabilities in the learning environment.
  • Examine important concepts such as hidden biases and best practices for overcoming them when working with students with disabilities.


Megan Baumunk

Megan is a third year PhD student and current dissertator in the Rehabilitation Counselor Education program within the School of Education. Her research interests focus on quality of life, meaning, adjustment to disability for spouses, and increasing access for individuals with disabilities in numerous settings including education and the workplace.

Thumbnail of speaker Megan Baumunk.

Uzma Khan

Uzma is a third year PhD student and current dissertator in the Rehabilitation Counselor Education Program at the School of Education. Her research interests focus on psychosocial adaptation and self-management of disability, disability identity, societal attitudes towards disability, and core self-evaluations of individuals with disabilities.

Thumbnail of speaker Uzma Khan.

Katelyn Matkin

Katelyn is a third year PhD student and current dissertator in the Rehabilitation Counselor Education program within the School of Education. Her research interests focus on increasing access for individuals with disabilities in numerous settings including education and reproductive health care.

Thumbnail of speaker Katelyn Matkin.

Marcus Weathers Jr.

Marcus is a third year PhD student and current dissertator in the Rehabilitation Counselor Education program within the School of Education. His research interests focus on quality of life, societal attitudes towards disability, and promoting equity towards individuals with multiple marginalized identities.

Thumbnail of speaker Marcus  Weathers Jr..