Thumbnail of speaker ananda mirilli.


ananda mirilli

Executive Director of nINA Collective

ananda mirilli is the executive director of nINA Collective, an enterprise dedicated to supporting organizations, institutions and individuals as they advance their change process and racial equity initiatives. Originally from Brazil, mirilli has a long history of working with communities in the U.S. and abroad, and is the grant director to address racial disproportionality in special education for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. mirilli earned their master’s degree in education leadership and policy analysis and their bachelor’s degree in human services and psychology from UW–Madison.

Speaking in

Striving to Become an Antiracist Department: Strategies for Sustained Engagement and Transformation

Day 1: November 14, 2022 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m., Breakout Option C

In response to the global social justice movement of 2020, the members of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee in the UW–Madison Department of Family Medicine and Community Health set out to develop and execute an “antiracism 2.0” proposal for the department, which would build on the innovative strategies from their 2014 DEI Initiative. In this session, panelists will share strategies for building the capacity to develop an antiracist, multicultural department in a sustainable way.

The panelists will share the results of an internal climate assessment and a racial equity and inclusion assessment. They will discuss how they incorporated introspective opportunities for personal learning and growth; shared spaces for groups to learn together and build a culture of belonging in the department; and developed institutional strategies for change with a goal to build infrastructure, capacity, partnerships, and leadership to assure enduring change. The session hopes to inspire attendees to pursue change in their own departments and units across campus.