Thumbnail of speaker Gabe Javier.


Gabe Javier

Associate Vice Chancellor of Identity and Inclusion in Student Affairs

Gabe Javier is the associate vice chancellor for student affairs in the area of identity and inclusion at UW–Madison, where he leads diversity, equity and inclusion efforts across Student Affairs. He oversees UW’s Multicultural Student Center, the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center, International Student Services, the McBurney Disability Resource Center, and University Veteran Services. Javier arrived at UW in 2011 as assistant dean of students and director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Campus Center (now called the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center). Originally from St. Louis, Javier earned a bachelor’s degree in communication and English from Rockhurst University in Kansas City and a master’s degree in higher education administration from the University of Michigan.

Speaking in

Using Data to Inform Our Decisions: The 2021 Campus Climate Survey Task Force

Day 2: November 15, 2022 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m., Panel Discussion

UW–Madison launched the second iteration of the student Campus Climate Survey in 2021, which sought to understand students’ experiences with and perceptions of campus climate and diversity, including how people of different backgrounds and identities experience life at UW–Madison. Though the 2021 survey data was generally comparable to the 2016 data, the university found some noteworthy differences. In this session, members of the Campus Climate Survey Task Force will give an overview of the 2021 survey findings and comment on them through the lens of their role at the university.