Thumbnail of speaker Catherine  Chan.


Catherine Chan

Ph.D., Assistant Vice Provost for High Impact Practices

Catherine Chan, Ph.D., is the assistant vice provost for high impact practices in the Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement, where she provides administrative, operational, and strategic leadership for the DDEEA’s high-impact educational efforts.

Chan leads the development, cultivation and implementation of the division’s framework for enhancing student experiences through high-impact educational practice programs and initiatives, including common intellectual experiences, undergraduate research, global learning, service and community-based learning, internships, and student employment. She leads the division in implementing evidence-based pedagogies and culturally relevant practices that center equity-mindedness. Chan oversees the division’s Academic Coaching and Tutoring ServicesCenter for Educational OpportunityRonald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program, Global Scholars, Internship and STEM Initiatives programs.

Before joining UW–Madison in June 2022, Chan was a professor of biology and executive director of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at UW–Eau Claire, where she worked to design, implement and improve equity-minded academic programs and high-impact educational practices. She earned her bachelor’s degree and Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology from UW–Madison.

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